“You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. People do not light a lamp and put it under the bushel basket; rather, they put it on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Parent in heaven.”
Matthew 5:14- 16
Sunday’s program meeting reminded me that the Holy Spirit is doing something really special here at United! The number of ministries and the work done by them is nothing short of amazing especially given the relatively small number of members we have. From the hours spent in the soup kitchen and volunteering at the women’s shelter, food and money donations all over Worcester and the UCC at large, to the coffee and treats at fellowship, Sunday morning worship, music and the choir at the ready, to Christian Education and the children’s program under construction, United has so much going on and so much to offer!
Our recent investment in technology is another example of the way that United is honoring the movement of the Holy Spirit. Rather than being a church that welcomes folks only within our walls, we are now ready to reach out beyond our building and into the digital world beyond. Beginning soon (there are still some logistical matters to iron out), worship at United will be available online as usual through Zoom on Sundays at 10:30 and also live-streamed through Facebook. After worship is over, folks will be able to see our worship on our Facebook page anytime, from wherever they log on. In addition, sometime this fall, we will be creating a YouTube page that will also offer worship videos.
You may be wondering why we are adding to what is already a strong and vibrant church life. In response, I ask you to read the above scripture again. Everything that we do at United is meant to honor God in ways that bring about God’s dominion here on earth as it is in heaven. The movement of the Holy Spirit just cannot be contained at 6 Institute Rd. We have so much to share. We are called to share what we have with anyone who can see our light. To be clear, the new technology may not bring in another dollar for the mission work that we do. It may not bring another person through our doors, it certainly won’t turn us into a mega-church! But if even one more person hears the good news that God loves them, if one more person is inspired to err on the side of justice or mercy, if one person seeks reconciliation with someone in their life or chooses love over hate, even one... then our investment of time, talents and treasures will have been worth it.
With love, Brae
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